Picture of Ram
Fossil Evidence For Creation
  The evidence backing up the creation account is impressive.

  More than 200 hundred million fossils, showing kinds frequently appearing suddenly in the midst of the record with no apparent link to anything else.   What other proof would one require, then, in order to believe in the fact of creation?   The living biological world, of course, is ample evidence of creation with life seemingly able to survive against all odds.   It has been estimated that more than 99 percent of all species which have ever existed are now extinct.   But life was, obviously, designed to survive.   Even the simplest cells in existence today have eluded the efforts of scientists to understand the details of their workings.

  Written history doesn't go back more than roughly five thousand years, but the story told by the ledger of the rock layers in the earth is in complete agreement with the order of creation (Genesis Chapter 1, The Holy Bible), including the fact that mammals were the last of the kinds to be created.   This is, of course, all the more remarkable considering that the Bible was written many years after the first creative events (see Bible Glossary for definition of the Hebrew word for 'day').

  Because of lack of faith in the creation account, some have looked to the paleontological evidence in an attempt to establish their own theory.   Using fragmentary and unconfirmed evidence sometimes consisting of little more than a few teeth, they piece together laughable pictures of creatures replete with hair and flesh, and pass it off as the careful calculation of inscrutable science.

  Apemen is an example of the kind of ardour with which some self-promoting opportunists pursue their ambition.   It has been ascertained that, in actuality, the entire evidence for a link between man and apes could be arranged on a single billiard table, and would be comprised of a few bones and a collection of skulls pieced together from bone fragments.  Not only have these proponents failed to establish a link between kinds other than a common Creator, they have failed even to find skeletons of animals with partially formed features, or even a giraffe with a neck one half or two thirds as long as in present-day giraffes.

  The duckbilled platypus, when first looked at in the light of modern evolutionary theory, was a puzzle indeed.   Here was an example of a creature that laid eggs and yet nursed its young after hatching.   So unusual was the appearance of this creature that on first sight the discovering scientist even thought in a moment of disbelief that someone had glued a duck's bill onto the animal's snout as a hoax.   Once touted as a supposed missing link in an evolutionary chain, perhaps even a monstrosity, the platypus can be now be seen as perfectly suited to its role as the product of a loving and wise Creator.
