
     A Stock Monitor : Removal

Requirements: Windows 95/98 or NT

Basic Removal :
1. Since no changes are made to the Windows Registry during installation, simply delete the folder `$' from the path to which it was installed (Standard installations install to C:\). This frees up almost all of the space occupied by the program.

Complete Removal :
1. Since no changes are made to the Windows Registry during installation, simply delete the folder `$' from the path to which it was installed (Standard installations install to C:\). This frees up almost all of the space occupied by the program.
2. Removal of shortcuts may be done (for a Standard Installation) by removing them from the Windows desktop itself. It may also be necessary for complete removal of all vestiges of the installation (Non-standard Installations only) to remove the shortcuts folder from the install path. Shortcuts are found in a folder WINDOWS\ Desktop. Be careful not to remove your actual `WINDOWS' folder or the `Desktop' folder inside your actual `WINDOWS' folder or you'll be removing either your operating system or all of the icons from your desktop. It's safe to assume that it is NOT the actual `WINDOWS' folder if the `Desktop' folder is the only folder in the `WINDOWS' folder.
