Recipe 1
``For it seems to me that God has put us the apostles last on exhibition as men appointed to death, because we have become a theatrical spectacle to the world, and to angels, and to men.'' (1Corinthians 4:9)

Recipes /
Jalapeño Spinach Salad

I feel very privileged to be able to share with you one of my favourite recipes, one which I employ on a daily basis and which I have worked hard to create. I created this out of the necessity for good health combined with my desire to see if I could survive and even thrive on a diet which included none of the animal products which are so prevalent in the diet of many people, and also because of my curiosity to-- I wanted to know if it was truly possible to live and experience bountiful health without cooked food, which I grew up with and which may well have been a factor in a lifetime of health problems that now, thanks in part to this recipe, have gone the way of the dodo bird. What I discovered was abundant energy, mental sharpness, and ... Jalapeño Spinach Salad.

Jalapeño Spinach Salad offers the participant a delightful taste combination which provides significant elemental calcium along with magnesium in its finest form... greens.

So many factors exist in fresh vegetation. It is beyond human explanation, but may it be said that green leafy vegetation is the superlative cleanser. Magnesium is the central hub of chlorophyll, and after calcium the key element of all green vegetable matter. It is the chlorophyll which gives the plant its powerful green colour. The power of the sun sets in motion a chain of events in which photosynthesis plays some good role, and whose chemical reactions have eluded every scientific explanation. It is known that much of life as we know it thrives in sunshine, but why? There is more to it than just one simple answer, but one reason is that Sunshine creates energetic (free) electrons, essential in the negation of free radicals, electron scavengers which are electron-deficient as are, in fact, all acids. Free electrons are also found in fresh air, but more especially after a thunderstorm. Thus, fresh air is refreshing. As the saying goes, `there was electricity in the air'.

Electrons are also abundant in calcium-rich foods, because calcium is an alkaline earth metal, and alkalinity is abundant in the hydroxyl ion (OH-), an oxygen, hydrogen and electron trio which neutralizes harmful lactic acid (it also may neutralize beneficial stomach acids, so digestive aid is to be found in salad dressing containing a weak acid, vinegar). Of course it tastes better with dressing which is equally nutritious, which is why I have included my recipe for Incomparable Dressing, an exquisite fresh salad dressing which you may make at home, and which took me many hours in the kitchen to perfect. Incomparable Dressing takes apple cidar vinegar to new heights, utilizing this much healthier vinegar along with a generous portion of fresh garlic and italian cheeses to bring olive oil to a flavour pitch. It can be prepared in bulk and stored in the refrigerator if desired. Prepared in minutes, it can be the greatest thing ever to happen to spinach and romaine lettuce.

Topped off with a small handful of dried pumpkin seeds (the flat green ones) as well as an equal portion of unsalted sunflower seeds and a few walnut pieces (say, a couple three half walnuts), the symphony of taste is complete. If salt is needed (which is never, unless the cheese is omitted) natural salt (sea salt, rock salt) is called for rather than heat-processed table salt. But salt is not at all necessary when using the Parmiggiano Reggiano (parmesan cheese) combined with the very salty sheep's-/goat's-milk Romano cheese. Cheeses go very well with seeds and nuts actually, but since cheese is animal product it should be used only in quantities sufficient for the tastebuds in my opinion (to wit, to taste). The benefits of goat's milk are known from the Bible (Pr27:27 `a sufficiency of goat's milk for your food'). Norman Walker in his book Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, p. 12 writes that fresh goat's milk is not mucous-forming (high casein content of cow's milk is a reason cited for cow's milk being mucous-forming).

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Recipe 1:
Recipes /
Jalapeño Spinach Salad (or Caesar Salad)

3-4 slices fresh Jalapeño pepper finely diced (not required for flavour)
fresh spinach (or romaine lettuce, or combine them), to fill a medium to large salad bowl
one large clove of garlic (two small cloves), crushed and finely chopped
one slice feta cheese
1-3 T (15-45 ml) olive oil, I use extra virgin
1-3 (dashes apple cidar vinegar, depending on the strength of the vinegar and taste
1 small handful sunflower seeds, organically grown for extra goodness
1 small handful pumpkin seeds, organically grown for extra goodness
2-3 walnut halves, broken into chunks
several thin slices Romano cheese, or to taste
Parmiggiano Reggiano cheese to taste
Select spinach cautiously by tearing into pieces, and rejecting any which tears easily. Prepare spinach by washing if necessary, breaking off stems if stems are too sweet-tasting. After breaking into bite-sized pieces, throw them into a medium to large bowl. The darker the green of the spinach, usually the more nutrient.
Wash Romaine lettuce and break into bite-sized pieces, putting into the bowl with the spinach. Reject outer leaves and outer edges if not succulent and crisp. Include both the dark and white parts of the head.
Pour olive oil over greens, and add slightly less apple cidar vinegar than you think you need. It is easier to add more cidar vinegar to taste than to take it out.
From a rock-hard white garlic bulb select two small or one large clove(s). Cut the ends off the clove(s). Crush it by pounding down on the flat side of a large knife, then remove the outer skin (it should fall off) and chop garlic fine. Add to bowl.
Prepare Jalapeño pepper by slicing and dicing, and add to bowl. Smell to determine how spicy it really is.
Slice and dice the feta cheese. Add to bowl.
Add seeds and nuts to bowl.
Grate Romano cheese and chop fine. Add to bowl.
Toss salad thoroughly, tasting for vinegar and adding/retossing if necessary.
Grate enough Pariggiano Reggiano to flavour the entire salad. Spread on top for a flavourful cheese topping which you can parcel into your mouth as you eat for maximum flavour enhancement.

Although the taste of this salad can be absolutely exquisite, try and remember that the reason we eat is to give ourselves fuel for life, and we don't live for the sole purpose of eating or solely for the taste sensation. Love. The beauty of this salad is that it is absolutely full of energizing, vital ingredients. It has been said by others more knowledgeable than I. Greens are Nature's finest food.

Notes on food storage:
1) Spinach is best stored nearly-, not completely sealed.
2) Jalapeño peppers and Romaine lettuce may be kept fresh for weeks by sealing airtight.
3)Do not seal garlic to protect against mold.
Ward Green
Enjoy. Try a meal of blueberries some time if the spirit moves you. God is good.

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