Recipe 13
``Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you.'' (Genesis 9:3)

Recipes /
Blueberry Stir Fry

When blueberries are in season this is a tasty way to eat them. Really there is no limitation other than the chef's imagination and the natural laws of the universe which Jehovah established. Necessity is the mother of invention, or so it is said. But really is it true that the greater the number of limitations placed upon a task, the greater is the creativity required, and so limitations for me stimulate my creativity. My recipes do not come out of my mind, but rather from an interaction between me and the natural law which Jehovah has made. Personally I might not have chosen to combine these ingredients, but when I tried to find a blend of some basic ingredients, this resulted.

How garlic goes with blueberries and onions was not something I was taught. When we free our minds of culinary prejudice is the only time when we can experience new things for our palate.

Goat milk is an example of something which many people raised on cow's milk may find a horrifying thing to even contemplate drinking. My wife, for example, had such difficulty that I was required to refer to goat's milk as `regular milk' at all times at first, not giving even a single hint as to the origin of the said milk, while we were trying to change from the cow's milk to the `regular milk'. In the Bible, goat's milk is the standard (Pr 27:27), but this somehow doesn't make it any easier for us to change our prejudices with regard to the milk of the goat. The same problem applies to other foods or combinations of foods with which we are not familiar. They may not seem palatable at first. I did not use goat milk in this recipe, but even the fact that I mentioned it may put some people off this recipe.

Requires a wok.
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Recipe 13:
Recipes /
Blueberry Stir-Fry

1 organic boneless chicken breast
1 clove organic garlic
2 T organic butter
1 small organic onion
1 handful organic green beans
3 slices jalapeño pepper
2 dashes organic soy sauce
1 - ½" slice of organic butternut squash
½-1 cup organic blueberries
In a wok:

Finely diced garlic is sautéed in the wok with butter and chicken at medium heat til chicken is done.

Then the rest is added finely sliced or diced, and the blueberries are added last, cooking for only about 30 seconds before serving.

Wow. God is great! Hallelujah!

Chicken is high in protein, as are other meats and fish. Generally eating lower on the food chain is healthier according to the book `Diet for a Small Planet', and a chicken is `lower' than a cow perhaps to the extent that chickens do not contain `red meat'.
Ward Green
I find garlic to be an excellent source of energy. It is even better raw, in salads.

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