
Read the Bible today? More
    Yes, read it today, because the blessings that come from Bible reading are too many to count.
    The epitome of illiteracy has always been the lack of Bible knowledge, such as can only come from reading The Book itself.
    Besides, we may not be here tomorrow (James 4:13-15).  There is not a single one of us who can say with any certainty what our lives will be like tomorrow.  We could be penniless, homeless, or in search of food.  Or worse.
    So what better way do we have to spend our time now than by looking into a book that singularly claims to be the Word of God.
    No other book can make this claim.
    Besides overt claims of this nature to be found within, a great wealth of wisdom, and the promise of everlasting life, the Bible speaks to us as a book which has come down to us having survived thousands of years despite much persecution, including attempts to destroy it and to keep it in an unknown tongue.
    Romans 15:4 says that all the things written aforetime were written that we might have hope. But more than this, the Bible was written, transcribed, and translated for the common man, so that no church leader would be able to have more power than you or I.
    So it's your book.
    So read it with your very power.
Go here for Jehovah's Word


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